cherries cherries


Seasons Eatings No.4 – Leeks (Allium ampeloprasum)

During the season when many of us are looking for hearty comfort food, it’s root vegetables that really come into their own and create the basis for many delicious home cooked recipes. Several of our UK grown root vegetables are in season at this time of year making them some of the cheapest and delicious […]

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From Pizza Ovens to Apprenticeships – An Infused Review of 2020

At the start of the year, we had plans for several exciting new projects, but like almost every other business in the hospitality sector, everything changed at the end of March and we were very quickly forced to look at how to adapt our business in light of Covid-19. Thankfully, whilst spending more time at […]

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How to listen to your customers

For every business owner it’s vital to discover on a regular and consistent basis how your business is perceived by your customers. As businesses grow, direct or personal contact with customers may lessen as processes or systems take the place of personal interaction. Where do you interact with customers? In the hospitality industry, face to […]

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Seasoning your food

Seasoning can be thought of as putting the finishing touches to a nice outfit! The outfit looks OK without adding the jewellery or accessories but it just might not be as good! When people talk about seasoning food, it usually means adding salt and pepper, however there are lots of other herbs and spices that […]

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Seasons Eatings No.3 – Figs

(ficus) If you have a fig tree in your garden that gives you fruit, then you will know the joy of watching the little fruits ripen slowly and the anticipation of waiting until you can eat them. There are several hardy varieties of fig tree that can be grown outside in the UK, but whilst […]

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Creating Perfect Summer Drinks

  Drinks are of as much importance as food in any hospitality business – even those that are food-led, so making every drink look as good as it tastes should be a priority. Your summer drinks range should marry with the style of your overall business and provide your customers with the best choice and […]

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Smart ways to refresh your menu at your next review

However often you change your food menus, whether it’s every 6 months or more frequently, there are nearly always new challenges to consider before going ahead and pressing the print button. As we know, these can include anything from environmental and economic to local factors that need to be taken into account to ensure that […]

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Seasons Eatings No. 2 – Tomatoes

(solanum lycopersicum) Easily grown in containers and with a fruiting season throughout mid to late summer in the UK, tomatoes are always a key ingredient on British menus. Their versatility is almost unequalled in the kitchen and their tangy sweetness also makes them a staple in many popular dishes in most countries’ national cuisines around […]

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Simple tips to help to over-deliver with your food offer

Fundamentally, a good food service business needs to provide great quality food together with great service in order to be successful. Assuming that your service is covered, then there are always a few things that you can do to ensure that your food offer gets customers returning again and again. It’s the details that matter… […]

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Using online marketing as hospitality businesses reopen

Advertising and marketing budgets are commonly the first to be cut in economically tough times, however there are always good reasons to maintain investment in these areas wherever possible. So far this year, the internet has never been more relied upon to inform, entertain and keep people in touch with one another. For hospitality businesses […]

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Beginning training in business

It is always worth investing in your employees through training as it can give numerous benefits to your company, by helping to increase both employee and customer satisfaction, reducing staff turnover and increasing staff morale amongst many others. No matter how small your training team is, the fact you even have one is a great […]

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The simplest ways to ensure you’re offering a great customer experience

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can make all the difference when it comes to providing an excellent experience for your customers. Here are a few ways to help make every visit the best it can be… General standards Customers should have a clear journey from the outside of your venue through to your serving […]

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Seasons Eatings No.1 – Beetroot

(Beta vulgaris) Beetroot can be an under-appreciated root vegetable, but it has a delicious, delicate flavour that brings an earthiness and vibrant colour to salads and many other savoury and sweet dishes. In the calendar of seasonal eating, beetroot has to be up there as one of the best root vegetables there is, and one […]

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