Etuvée of Cod, Saffron Leeks

During the season when many of us are looking for hearty comfort food, it’s root vegetables that really come into their own and create the basis for many delicious home cooked recipes. Several of our UK grown root vegetables are in season at this time of year making them some of the cheapest and delicious staple ingredients for our favourite winter meals. They also have the added benefit of being good for our health.

Leeks are a part of the plant family of alliums that includes onions, garlic and chives. They are inexpensive, versatile and great as a slightly milder flavoured replacement for onions (or in addition to them) in soups, stews and casseroles. They pair perfectly with so many other ingredients such as meat, fish and cheese to ensure their ongoing popularity in British cooking.

The chemistry bit…

All the plants of the allium family share a common, distinctive smell that is due to the sulfur that is taken in when the plants are growing but that is also given off in various sulfur compounds when they are bitten into, cut or damaged. These compounds can also help to repel insects and kill microbes. The harsh allium smell is lessened over time and with cooking which allows a sweetness of flavour to come through. For alliums such as garlic, onions and chives, if they’re being used raw in a salad or salsa, either chop them and use immediately or rinse them in water which reduces some of the harsh sulfur flavours.

Make use of in-season leeks with this delicious recipe combining a perfect pairing of leeks and cod.


Etuvée of Cod, Saffron Leeks

Etuvée of Cod, Saffron Leeks


Etuvée of Cod, Saffron Leeks

Serves 2


For the Cod

  • 2 x 150g Cod Loin, skinless and boneless
  • 50g Shallots, finely diced
  • 100ml Dry white wine
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 Sprig of thyme
  • 5g Sea salt


For the White Wine Sauce

  • 50g Shallots, sliced
  • 2 Gloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 Button mushroom
  • 1 Sprig of thyme
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 5 Black peppercorns
  • 100ml White wine
  • 100ml Fish stock
  • 50ml Double cream
  • ½ lemon


For the Leeks

  • 150g Leeks, sliced and washed
  • 1 Pinch saffron
  • 50ml Dry white wine
  • 100g Small diced steamed potatoes



For the Cod

  1. Salt the cod loin with the sea salt and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash off the salt and dry.
  3. In a thick bottomed pan, add a little oil and the shallots, sweat off for 1 minute with no colour. Place the Cod on top, add the bay leaf, thyme and white wine and place a lid on the pan.
  4. Steam for 5 minutes until the cod is just cooked.


For the White Wine Sauce

  1. Place all the ingredients into a thick bottom pan, except the fish stock, cream and lemon.
  2. Reduce the wine until it is fully evaporated and add the fish stock. Reduce by ¾.
  3. Add the double cream, bring back to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from the heat and squeeze the lemon into the sauce.
  5. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.
  6. Pass through a fine sieve.


For the Leeks

  1. Place the leeks into a pan along with the saffron and white wine.
  2. Place a lid on top and place on a medium heat for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Add the diced potatoes and then add the white wine sauce, return to the heat and bring back to the boil.

To Plate

  1. Place the leeks into the base of the bowl, place the cod on top and garnish with micro herbs.


For more inspiration on using leeks and for other delicious leek recipes, take a look at the following websites :