(Beta vulgaris)

Beetroot can be an under-appreciated root vegetable, but it has a delicious, delicate flavour that brings an earthiness and vibrant colour to salads and many other savoury and sweet dishes. In the calendar of seasonal eating, beetroot has to be up there as one of the best root vegetables there is, and one that can be sown in early spring and then at regular intervals throughout the summer months to give a long harvest season.

Modern vegetarian and vegan recipes often now include beetroot as an essential ingredient and it can also be found in prepared foods such as vegetable crisps, meat-free burgers and vegetarian ravioli due to its great flavour and nutritional benefits.

From root to shoot…

Beet juice is full of nutrients and delicious in smoothies, especially when combined with sweeter fruits such as apples and strawberries. Its leaves shouldn’t be forgotten either – they also provide lots of beneficial vitamins and minerals and can be used in a similar way to spinach.

Preparing beetroot

Smaller roots can be eaten raw or cooked and grated or thinly sliced into salads.

Medium sized crops can be cooked by steaming (or boiling although this removes many of the nutrients) whilst larger roots are best cooked wrapped in tin foil and baked. It is always advisable to wear rubber gloves when handling and preparing beetroot as the juice can leave stubborn stains on the skin (and on clothing!)

Top tip

Leave the skins on until after cooking.

Beetroot facts

  • Not all beetroots are red. There are golden varieties (such as Touchstone Gold) and red and white striped varieties (including Chioggia) that look and taste fantastic in salads.
  • Despite its fairly limited popularity in the vegetable aisle, beetroot is one of the most popular home grown vegetables as it’s easy to grow from seed.


Adam’s Tasty Beetroot Salsa Recipe

(professional kitchen recipe – yields approx. 2.5kg/one ice cream tub. For home cooking reduce quantities as required)

This delicious salsa is a fantastic accompaniment to many summer dishes. Try with spicy Mexican fajitas, in burgers or over the top of grilled fish.

Beetroot salsa


15 x beetroot (steam cooked and peeled (approx.. 1.5kg cooked weight)

3 x peppers

2 x red onions

2 x red chillies (de-seeded)

Juice of 2 limes

6 x tbsp. clear honey

½ bunch chopped coriander (weight 100g)

750ml olive oil


Finely dice all the vegetables, then add the lime juice, honey and chopped coriander. Cover with the oil and season.