Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can make all the difference when it comes to providing an excellent experience for your customers. Here are a few ways to help make every visit the best it can be…

General standards

  • Customers should have a clear journey from the outside of your venue through to your serving area with signage indicating to customers where to go at every turn.
  • Your marketing messages in and around your venue should be clear, concise and up-to-date. Take down any banners or posters immediately after an event or offer has taken place.
  • If there are menus on tables, these should always be in good condition. Replace any that are damaged or worn out.
  • Most importantly, make sure your toilets are clean and tidy and well-stocked with supplies. Have regular checks carried out by staff to maintain standards throughout service times.

Meet & greet

  • Ensure that customers are greeted as they come through the door or as they approach the bar.
  • Your staff should be trained to be aware who is next to be served. There should rarely be an occasion where they have to say “who’s next”?
  • Plan for those busy occasions and don’t be caught under-staffed. Consider table service on known busy days or for sporting occasions when customers won’t want to miss any of the action by getting up and going to the (over-crowded) bar.

Food serve

  • Customers should never have to wait an excessive amount of time for their food. If you know there will be a wait for food, give customers the heads up of an approximate waiting time and offer them a seat and a drink while they wait.

Drinks quality & serve

  • Always ensure your staff are serving excellent quality drinks every time. Once again, this is about staff training and making sure they know the standards you expect of every drink poured.
  • All your glasses should be in perfect condition and cool, dry and spotlessly clean. A dirty or hot glass straight out of the glass washer is immediately off-putting to a customer and can negatively impact drinks quality.
  • Train staff to avoid handling the top of the glass as this is where the customer will be drinking from. The bottom third of the glass is the bar staff’s – the top two thirds of the glass is your customer’s!

If you feel that your business needs training in any of the areas of customer service mentioned above, please call us on 0560 387 4926 to discuss the ways we can help you.