It is always worth investing in your employees through training as it can give numerous benefits to your company, by helping to increase both employee and customer satisfaction, reducing staff turnover and increasing staff morale amongst many others.

No matter how small your training team is, the fact you even have one is a great plus point, especially for new employees coming into your business. A training department demonstrates a commitment to investing in your staff and helping them to grow and learn within your company.

Identifying training needs

There will no doubt be certain skills that are useful across several areas of your business. Identifying these and the needs of your workforce can be through supervisor observation, employee surveys or as part of a regular employee review process. Once your employees’ skill requirements are identified, the next step is to provide them with the relevant training.

The right way to train

Today’s training options are more varied than ever, so consider what the best methods are for your business and its employees. Training can be used to develop specific skills such as the use of certain computer software programs, or more general life skills such as time management or finance.

Training can take many forms with some of the most common methods listed below:

  • Full or part time courses
  • On-site or off-site learning
  • Online courses
  • Face to face group coaching
  • Apprenticeships
  • Business mentoring


Often, external training providers are the most-cost effective way to bring in expertise and they can give off-the-shelf or tailored training plans to tie in with your company’s needs.



An ongoing effort to bridge the skills gap

When recruiting new staff, it can also be helpful to consider where they can help fill in skills that may be missing from your company.

The business environment is forever changing, so a resource dedicated to training will always be beneficial in keeping your business up-to-date and poised to take advantage of the latest skills requirements in your industry.

Infused Training provides selected apprenticeship courses and training across the food hospitality sector – see our Apprenticeships page or call us on 0560 387 4926 for more information and to see if we can help your business.